Friday, February 12, 2010

The Song of a Yogini

"Passionate, with longing in mine eyes, searching wide, and seeking night and days, Lo! I beheld the truthful one, the wise Here in my own house to fill my gaze". "That was the day of my lucky star. Breathless I held my guide to be. So my lamp of knowledge blazed afar, fanned by slow breath from the throat of me. Then, my bright soul to myself revealed, winnowed I abroad my inner light, and with darkness all around me sealed Did I garner truth and held him tight".

"Think not on the things that are without, Fix upon thy inner self thy thought; So shallthou be freed from let or doubt. Precept these that my preceptor taught".
"Dance then Lalla, clothed by the air; Sing then Lalla, clad but by the sky. Air and sky; what garmant is more fair? 'Cloth', saith custom; ' doth that sanctify?'".

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