Friday, February 12, 2010

Let Darkness Prevail

I prided myself and called myself a “Warrior of LIGHT”…least realising how deep the Darkness was inside of me.
Without acknowledging my own reality, I went on brandishing a flaming sword and proclaiming myself a saviour to all.
Uncannily, I was scared but to look into the mirror…how ugly I looked…what abyss lurked behind my eyes and what a savage scavenger I was.
It was only last night that I saw the moon (all this while…I dreaded to look up)…there was something strange there. Suddenly I went onto my fours and from deep within there arose a blood-curdling cry……………….a moan!
For the first time, I was happy, happy to be set free. The fangs had tasted blood!

I devour bit by bit my restless soul and wait till the mocking light slowly dies in the prevailing darkness.

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