Monday, March 1, 2010


Om Sri MahaaGanapathaye Namah! Om Sri Gurubhyo Namah! Om Rishibhyo Namah!
What is Homam
Homam, also known as homa or havan or yajna (yagya) or yajana, is a fire ritual. In homam, divine presence is invoked into fire using specific procedures. Then materials are offered into fire, along with sacred chants (mantras). The offerings are supposed to reach gods. It is interesting to note that fire ritual is an ancient practice and several religions taught worshipping gods in fire.
Why Homam
Hinduism teaches that gods come into fire and receive the prayers of spiritual aspirants. As spiritually inclined people have fewer and fewer hours to spend on spiritual sadhana everyday with the progressing Kali yuga, sadhanas that work fast are more relevant. Homam works much faster than japam and other spiritual sadhanas.
Homam is a very powerful tool for spiritual progress. Chanting mantras in front of fire while offering material substances into fire has a great cleansing and calming influence on one's mind and gives great level of mental focus, peace, calmness and bliss. This practice has been extolled in many scriptures such as Yajurveda and Bhagavad Gita. Vedic seers practiced it regularly.
Why Mahaganapathi Homam
Mahaganapathi homam is apt for everyone. Ganesha sits in the mooladhara chakra. Chakras exist in the subtle body and they represent different realms in which one’s consciousness can dwell. As Ganesha controls the material realm as well as the gate to the higher spiritual realms of being, his homam is very useful to any spiritual seeker. A Mahaganapti homam performed regularly can ensure solutions to many problems of daily life as well as facilitate spiritual progress. Thus, Mahaganapthi homam is recommended to all.

Several people across the world are experiencing the benefits of homam today! The proof of the pudding is in eating it. If one performs homam regularly for a few months, one will surely see the difference in one's mental state.